I am confident that a company needing Del’s skills will be put into a better competitive position with his contributions.

                                        -Jeff H

What Is Lean?

The best way to describe Lean in it's simplest form is this: "The relentless Pursuit Of The Elimination Of Waste". That's all there is to it. In all businesses there are processes. Processes are the things we do each and every day to reach a desired outcome. Actually, everything we do outside of work is a process too. Lean is all about taking a hard look at the processes that matter and eliminating the waste from them. Learning to identify the waste is the first step to world class performance.

Lean Didn't Work For Us

Now, many companies have had a go-round with lean, 5S and the likes, and have reverted due to some unforeseen circumstance. Maybe  they didn't start right, maybe they had a change of leadership, maybe they didn't get the proper information. Whatever the case, all is not lost. Even if the mere mention of 5S or lean causes a stir, don't give up hope. It all boils down to process improvement, no matter what you call it.

Implement Change Immediately

Your employees will build their skills with compacted training sessions and hands on experiences in each class. They will immediately apply their new skills to real time situations in your business to start the improvement cycle. In-House training is a practical choice because everything that your employees learn will be put to the test right away. You will see immediate results from the very first class to the last...and beyond.

Your employees will become experts in identifying opportunities for improvements, and learn how to take the steps toward implementation and sustaining the bottom line improvements.

Don't Be Left Behind

Give your employees the tools they need to change your future forever. It's been said that if you give a man a fish, you can feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you can feed him for a lifetime. This is not a program where we come in and just point out a few troubled spots for you to improve, this program teaches you and your employees to seek out and identify troubled areas, and work diligently to improve them, and then seek out another, and another...for all time.